About us

At Perky Patriot, we're not just a brand - we're a family. All of our designs and concepts are created by our family of four, who spend evenings together sitting around the dining room table. We believe that sharing a meal and spending time together as a family is one of the most important things you can do, and it's during these moments that we come up with some of our best ideas.

We love to laugh and talk about all sorts of topics over dinner, and this is where many of our designs are born. Our goal is to bring some of the joy and humor from our family dinners into your home through our products.

We take pride in the fact that our brand is a family affair, and it's this personal touch that sets us apart from the rest. From brainstorming new designs to packing orders, we work together as a family to bring you the best possible products and customer service.

We're grateful for the opportunity to share our family's passion for clever and unique designs with you, and we hope that our products bring a little bit of joy and humor to your life as they have to ours.

Thank you for choosing Perky Patriot, a brand that's not just a business, but a family.